Hello HPVB Parents,
We are so excited about the coming volleyball season and wanted to give you some HPVB updates and a few items for your calendar…
Xtreme Volleyball:
Xtreme league play has already started! The girls will compete the next two Tuesdays (May 10th, May 17th) and have a tournament on Saturday May 21st. See locations and times in http://www.xvbleague.org/schedules.html
Physicals- Saturday May 14th:
Don’t forget about the physicals offered by the school for $20 on Saturday, May 14th. This will satisfy the UIL requirement for a physical which needs to be completed by tryouts in August, and will be on file for Coach Dearman.
Link: http://www.hpisd.org/Portals/0/docs/athletics/01142016%20MayAthleticphysicals.pdf
Also, print this form, fill it out, and send with your daughter to the stadium for her physical:
Ronnie Marks Sports Festival is Monday, May 16th from 4-5:30pm:
This is a fun afternoon for HPISD kids to come to Highlander Stadium and be exposed to a lot of different sports with current HPHS athletes. Our girls will play volleyball with the younger students and then serve them popsicles. This is a great afternoon for our younger students.
June camp concession stand:
The HP volleyball camp for girls entering into grades 2nd-9th is June 1st-4th and we run the concession stand for the campers. We need your help! We are hoping you will donate baked goods and water/Gatorade for us to sell as well as volunteer your time manning the concession stand. Students that help out will earn community service hours and the money raised from concessions goes to the HP volleyball program. If you happen to be out of town that week, please consider signing up to donate a case of water or Gatorade. That would be an extremely helpful way to participate! Please click the link below and find a spot or two that might work with your schedule. Thank you in advance for jumping in to make this the most successful concession stand yet!!
Grab your calendars and click the link below to sign up:
Performance Course:
Performance Course will be offered again this summer. It is a great way for your daughter to stay in good physical condition during the summer. If want more information, here is the website: http://www.performancecourse.com/school-district/highland-park-isd “PC” takes place Monday-Thursdays from 9-10:30am from June 6th-July 21st. You will want to register for the “Summer Female” Performance Course. The cost of the course is $265 if registered by May25th and $285 after May 25th.
Team Camp (Frank’s Camp):
Team camp to get ready for try-outs for those currently in 1st and 8th period volleyball will take place on the following days:
Fri. July 22nd, Sat. 23rd, Mon. July 25th, and Tues. July 26th. Make sure and mark your calendars now!
Try-outs will be on Monday, August 1st and Tuesday August 2nd. We will send you more information as those dates get closer.