Tue, Oct 4
- Locker room decoration by the Starks
- Away games at Royce City (700 FM 2642, Royse City, TX 75189 ). 5:30pm start for Freshmen A and JV, followed by Varsity. Varsity water provided by the Stainbacks; Igloo to be passed on to the Urbanczyks.
Thu, Oct 6 – 4:45pm Varsity team dinner at the Stanzels
Fri, Oct 7
- Locker room decoration by the Urbanczyks
- 1:00pm Moms Lunch at Grub Burger Bar (4925 Greenville Avenue) , 11:30am Dads Lunch at Twisted Root Burger Co (5609 SMU Blvd)
- Away games at West Mesquite (2500 Memorial Blvd, Mesquite, TX 75149), 5:30pm start for Varsity, followed by JV and Freshmen A. Varsity water provided by the Urbanczyks; Igloo to be passed on to the Holders